Friday, 31 October 2014

Study Task 3

Study Task 3 required us to take photos of ourselves acting out different emotions and then use those images as reference to model our Moom characters into that postition. We had to pick 5 different emotions and these are the ones I chose.






Reference Video

My reference video. The sound needs a lot of work, I haven't yet worked out what voice I need to do, but this shows the sort of movements I will need to reference to animate my Moom character.

I need to work on the movements and facial expressions when he's sat at the table, as the ones I have done are not exaggerated or convincing enough.


Here is a rough storyboard for my animation. I need to work on it a bit more as there is not much going on in the storyboard.

It roughly shows the inside of the tavern, shows how the light would flood in when the door opens and shows where my character would sit, however I need to do it in slightly more detail with more movements.

I have also been experimenting with different facial expressions on Moom, and I've added some props to see how they fit with my character.

Tuesday, 28 October 2014


What I hope to get out of this module: 
1) More experience.
2) Get some of my work into the world. 
3) Possible internship or work experience. 
4) Just improve my skills in animation. 
5) Get an idea of what it's like to work in the industry. 
6) Improve on my professionalism.
7) Create relationships/ connections with people in the industry. 
8) A chance to collaborate. 
9) Learn new skills. 
10) Get feedback. 

What we, as a group, hope to get out of this module: 
1) More experience. 
2) WIN THINGS. Prizes= exposure, recognition, networking opportunities... And money.
3) Improve as a professional. 
4) Potential internships. 
5) Know which briefs to take on and how many you can handle. 
6) Locating your practice in the industry. 
7) Workload management. 
8) Working to deadlines. 
9) Working with clients. 
10) Broaden your approaches. 
11) Gain confidence.

Why competition briefs are good: 
1) Good to have something to work towards. 
2) Helps get used to meeting deadlines. 
3) Competition helps people work harder. 
4) Money. Winning things. 
5) Good feedback. 
6) Winning competitions= Networking.
7) Winning= more confidence. 
8) Improves time management. 
9) Let's you choose what briefs to do and what to do about them. 
10) Professionalism. 

Saturday, 25 October 2014

Mickey Mouse.

Mickey Mouse is a character that has been around for many many years. He is one of, if not the most popular and recognised character in the world and I think this is because his design has changed slightly to adapt to generation changes and technology changes. However, the new modern Mickey Mouse has been made 3D, and while all the other changes to his design over the year have suited Mickey and made him appeal to more and more generations, the new 3D Mickey looks too life-less and he doesn't look as young and full of life as other representations of him. 

Personally, I am not a fan of Mickey's new three dimensional look. A lot of well known characters are being upgraded to 3D to fit with the changing times and the new technology that is available, so as not to fall behind or get stuck in the past, but some characters, in my opinion, just don't suit being 3D. Mickey and his friends are the oldest cartoon characters still making frequent appearances and I believe he looked nicer as a 2D hand drawn character. His new three dimensional look could be down to where Mickey Mouse is featured most now. Mickey Mouse cartoons are now rarely shown outside of Disney Junior and his new look is soft and very cuddly-toy-esque, which could appeal more to young children. 

Mickey Mouse is a timeless character and I imagine he will continue to change with new technologies in the future.

Friday, 24 October 2014

Study Task 2: Animation skills.

Study task 2 got me to try out animating in maya with some simple basic animation techniques.

The bouncing ball was the first exercise I attempted in maya. I found the key framing quite easy to work out, but it was more of a challenge to make the ball squash and stretch like I wanted it to. 

Then I made a bouncing ball move across the screen which was a bit harder but I still found it relatively easy to get the hang of.

The next task was a pendulum to show timing and spacing, which I didnt find difficult to manipulate, and overlapping action was demonstrated in a staggered pendulum, using the curves on the graph editor. The graph editor was confusing at first but I think I've got the hang of it now.

The last task was a turntable, to manipulate cameras and show a full 360 of an object I made in maya. This was pretty simple to do.

Friday, 17 October 2014

Maya Moom rig fun

We have been given a character rig, moom, to work with for our character and narrative projects, so that we don't have to learn how to build and rig a character straight away while learning how to animate in maya. As I am using a pre-rigged character that I am not familiar with, this is a short playblast of some experimentation and some fun, just getting used to how Moom moves and what he can do.

Keep on Truckin'

For the first study task I had to build/ model a truck on maya, learning how to create shapes and link them together so that they all move as one.

I feel like I have picked up the tools in maya relatively easily, I haven't had any trouble creating my truck and I'm happy with how it has turned out.

I've even added colours, lighting and textures and created a basic scene for the truck while playing with some of the tools.

I'm really looking forward to learning more about maya.

Friday, 10 October 2014

NEW BRIEF! Character and Narrative: Acting Up

Need lyrics from a chorus or a verse of a song, that I can lip-synch to a character to create a narrative, with a prop and surroundings. 

Potential ideas

Alestorm- Black Sails at midnight- dark moody atmosphere, candlelight.. pirate in a tavern with a beer?
'Go, the cold moonlight reflecting off your blade
So many centuries spent waiting for this day
Ride across the seas beneath a blackened sail
Know that a painful death awaits us if we fail.'

'Out of the darkness they came
With cannons a'raging and torches aflame
Slaying all poseurs who stand in their way'

Afroman- Because I got high. Boy sat in his messy bedroom. talking like he's disappointed in himself? 
'I was gonna clean my room, until I got high
I was gonna get up and find the broom, but then I got high
My room is still messed up and I know why.. 
Because I got high.'

Blink 182- Aliens Exist. Boy creeping around the house with a torch peering round doors, calling to his mum/ talking to himself. Discovers alien creatures in the room
'Hey mum, there's something in the backroom
I hope it's not the creature from above..
You used to read me stories
As if my dreams were boring
We all know conspiracies are dumb..
What if people know that these were real
I'd leave my closet door open all night 
I know the CIA would say
What you hear is all hearsay
I wish someone would tell me what was right.'

Alter Bridge- Metalingus. Maybe a knight or soldier? After a fight? 
'On this day I see clearly, everything has come to life
A bitter place and a broken dream,
And we'll leave it all behind
On this day, it's so real to me
Everthing has come to life
Another chance to chase a dream
Another chance to feel alive'

Bruno Mars- The Lazy song- man lying on the sofa with the tv remote watching tv talking to the camera.
'Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
I don't feel like picking up my phone,
So leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I don't feel like doing anything.'

Bowling for Soup- BFFF ?
'Playing poker Friday night,
Beer-o-mids and golf cart races
You think that my sister's hot
I accidentally shot your finger
off your writing hand oh well,
you get disability.
I broke my leg you laughed so hard
and told my ambulance to stop at the bar.'

About Me

My photo
I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.