Wednesday 22 April 2015

Project Evaluation

I found this module a lot more difficult than I had first thought, and I really struggled with the workload and time management as I felt there was too much work to be done when considering all the other modules as well. I did enjoy some of the individual briefs that I chose to do. Of the 6 briefs I did, I most enjoyed the 11 Second club brief, the Slipknot brief and the Qwertee brief. I enjoyed the Qwertee brief because it gave me the opportunity to practice my drawing skills and practice new styles to draw in. In particular, I think the style that I drew the Chuckie design in was the strongest and it is my favourite design of the 5 that I did. It was in a style I had never tried before and I’m really happy with how it turned out, even though it did not do as well in the competition as I would have hoped. I also like the style that my Stitch and Gremlin designs are in as it’s quite simple but effective. I enjoyed the Slipknot competition as it meant I could practice my drawing skills and meant I could try drawing a different subject matter to what I usually do.
I really enjoyed the 11 second club brief because I had been wanting to improve my maya skills and try out some more complex rigs. I also had been looking forward to doing some more animating in this module as the large amount of my responsive work has been drawing and storyboarding. I am really happy with the way my animation has turned out. I had limited time to get the animation finished but considering the lack of time. In the future I will work on my time management. The other animated brief I really enjoyed was the bingomation. The idea for the brief was really original and interesting and once I looked up the bingo calls I had many ideas. I am happy with how my animation turned out, although some parts could probably be a bit smoother. This is because I did the animation in 12 frames per second instead of 24 as I did not think there was going to be too much movement and believed it would flow smoothly enough in 12 frames per second. This also saved me some time for my other briefs. If I were to do it again I would do it in 24 frames per second in the hopes that it would flow smoother.
The two briefs that were required for the studio tasks, the YCN brief and the D&AD brief, I did not find as stimulating as the more self directed ones. This is because I did not enjoy the structure these sessions were taught in and meant that I quickly lost interest in my itv2 and WWF briefs. Unfortunately this lack of motivation and inspiration had an effect on my projects. I am not pleased with the way these two briefs went and I feel that if I were to do them again I would plan my time better, and find ways to keep myself motivated so that I create pieces of work that I am proud of.
I was really excited for the collaborative WWF brief, but unfortunately, I had some trouble with my partner as our organisation was not what it should have been and our project suffered for it. In the future I will make more effort both to choose a reliable partner that I work well with, but also to organise my own time better and find new ways to motivate myself on projects that I don’t enjoy, as that is what I believe it will take to succeed as a freelance artist.  I do still really like the idea of working in a team, but in the future I will make more effort to delegate certain roles of the projects to each person instead of both doing every part, as I felt this slowed the project down and left me feeling like I was doing most of the work.
In conclusion, this module has taught me a lot of skills that I will need if I want to be a freelance artist in the future, and it has also taught me a lot about working with a partner or as part of a team. It also really helped me improve my drawing skills and taught me about going out into the world to search for competitions to enter and I will continue to enter competitions in my free time to get my work seen. This module was a very important lesson for me and I will take what I have learnt forward with me into the future and I will learn from my mistakes in this module.

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About Me

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.