Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Animating: Day 5

I'm really happy with how much work I got done today. I have finally started animating Herbert and I've managed to get about 19 seconds done today so tomorrow morning I just need to do 6 seconds of him throwing food into the bin and I will have all of Norman and Herberts scenes done. Unfortunately I won't have my final scene ready for the deadline though which is a shame, but I set myself too much work to do by myself. I will have to finish it off next week in time for the exhibition. 

 I've found that Herbert is even harder to move than Norman was, as Herbert is really fat and the foam padding him out prevents a lot of movement. His clay beard also stops his head turning very far round. Because if these problems with Herberts character, I have had to adjust the way I animate but it seems to be going okay so far. 

Tomorrow before the deadline, I need to finish the last few seconds of herberts scene, add some stills from this scene to my DVD cover and then help Rosy finish the editing and the animatic.

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About Me

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.