Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Finished Puppets.

I've completed all of my my puppets outfits. Luckily, the daughter, the miller and Rumpelstiltskin all have clothes that are supposed to look quite hand made, which is good because my sewing skills aren't amazing. 

I had a lot of trouble with the Millers clothing, as the arms kept coming loose while I was trying to sew his top and then the wire that made up his neck and spine snapped, forcing me to undo all of the stitches I had already done and take apart the sponge and the armature again and replace the wire. This was an inconvenience but hopefully the wire should hold now. The arms still have a tendency to become loose and fall out of their sockets which will be annoying if it happens when animating, but the Miller doesn't have to move too much in the animation and I have made it possible to get at the arm sockets without having to unstitch too much of the puppet now.

The main issue I had with the King's puppet is that his forearms dont like to stay attached to his elbows, meaning he doesn't animate very smoothly but I think I can get around this with some creative angles.

The Rumpelstiltskin and Millers Daughter puppets worked the most successfully and both have a good range of movement. The only issues with this are that the hands don't move too well as the wire keeps poking through the silicon. This could have been solved by me putting a blob of glue from a hot glue gun on the end of each finger before casting, which I will do next time I make a puppet. 

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About Me

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.