Wednesday 12 February 2014

Drawing Sounds

 Here are my Sound Drawings for my 10 sounds, followed by my 5 final drawings. If I'm honest, I really didn't enjoy this project. I found it really hard to draw sounds that change and move as a still image, as I don't think my drawings really represent the sounds that well. I'm hoping my animations of the final 5 represent the sounds a bit better. I would have used more colour in these drawings, but I could not work out which colours looked right in my head with each sound when I was drawing.

(The final 5)

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About Me

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.