Monday 23 February 2015

Responsive Collaborative Project: Stop motion research

To help us determine exactly how we were going to build and animate our idea, Bex did some research into set materials and other stop motion animations. I really like the delicate card cut out designs but did not feel this would get our message across well enough as our idea is about how the rainforest is being cut down, and making an entire animation out of paper did not seem right. We decided to use found materials to create a more natural world, using recycled paper and foliage to create the rainforest, and use old coke cans, plastic bottles and non-recyclable materials for the factories and the dead forest, as we felt this would be more eye-opening to watch the forest being cut down, factories appearing and rubbish and pollution destroying what was once beautiful.

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About Me

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.