Monday 29 February 2016

Considering materials: The girls hair.

 I have started to think about how I am going to go about animating the girls hair. She is the only character with hair or clothing that will need to move, so I have had to look for inspiration and ideas of how to make this happen seemlessly. Having seen and heard about Corpse Bride and how her character was created, I decided to look into how they made her hair.

Graham G. Maiden:
"With Corpse Bride, her hair was quite a problem for us. All the puppets have to look the same, 
and yet she’s got quite wild messy hair that also has to animate. What we did was use a 
combination of a brass skullcap that had wires that were attached to foam that was baked over it. 
Over this mohair was impregnated with silicone. We individually looped and curled the hair 
with the silicone and glued that into the head. We didn’t want any crawl to occur during 
animation, you know, anything moving around that we didn’t intend."

I won't be able to get a brass skullcap with wires and foam baked over it, but I might be able to create a foam based wig, with floral wire and fake hair. I will need to do some experimenting. A last option might be stealing the hair/ top of the head from a barbie doll and attaching that to my puppet.

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I'm Becky, although I do also answer to my surname- Gilby. I am a 22 year old Animation student at Leeds College of Art, specialising in Stop Motion Animation and Puppet making. I hope to make it into the stop motion industry making puppets.