Anna Denison also designed the Miller Character.
With Cara, I had constant updates on the characters, allowing me to give instant feedback. I didn't have this with Anna, but it still worked well.She first sent me a selection of ideas she had been working on (above) and then let me choose the elements that I preferred from each character. I said that I liked the tall skinny guy and the shorter guy and asked if it was possible to make a character with the hair and height of the shorter guy but make him a lot skinnier. I also said I preferred the shorter guys outfit although the buttons would be more awkward. I prefer the moustache on the tall skinny man but the shorter mans moustache would be easier to sculpt and work with.

Here are the final designs for the Miller character. Anna said she had difficulty making the body shape as skinny as I had hoped while keeping the hunched back and short height. This is okay though as I can adjust the size while I am sculpting. I really like how he's turned out overall and I love the colours. She found a midway point between the two faces and moustaches and I think this will work well.
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