Sophie has finished the storyboards and mostly happy with them. There are a couple of shots that I will need to adjust slightly, like the shot where the girl becomes queen and is greeting her subjects, because I feel like this shot is unnecessary and I wont be able to make or animate a bunch of hands waving back at her. I also wont be making Rumpelstiltskin a hat and the last two boards after Rumpelstiltskin tears himself in two won't be included as they weren't part of the story, Sophie just added them in and I want the story to end at the scene where he tears himself in two as it's more dramatic. Other than these few changes, I am really happy with the storyboards. I now need to put the boards into an animatic with the voice over that I recorded the other day to work out the timings and cues, which I can then send to Sam to do the music.

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