The second time round I thought was much better.
I love the colours she has chosen.
We then talked about the teeth, as I thought that, as a troll, his teeth shouldn't be as pure white as they were. I suggested making them a little bit more yellow instead.
These, I thought, were a little too yellow and suggested that we try white teeth that were yellowing around the edges, which lead Cara to this image.
Once I was happy with the colours of the skin and face, we had some discussion about the colour of his cloak,shirt and undershirt.
This was the first full colour image that Cara sent me. I liked the cloak, boots and trousers but I wasn't kdaeen on the shirt as the colours didn't look villainous enough for the menacing troll king.
After a few tests, I suggested maybe trying a darker grey or purple and Cara tested out a variety of colour schemes making use of the colours I'd chosen.
From these, I really liked the grey shirt with the purple undershirt, however I preferred the idea of a red cloak. The red cloak on the original drawing, however, was a bit too bright and I suggested finding a deeper shade of red, perhaps with a touch of purple to make it darker and blend well with the purpleish tones in the shirt and undershirt.
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